Editor : Reid Whitten

Published by WorldECR

Date of release : December 2018

CFIUS is the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. It is a Committee of nine US agencies that is authorised to review any transaction that may result in foreign control of a US company. CFIUS reviews investment in the US to determine whether it may affect national security, then clears it, proposes steps to mitigate national security risk, or prohibits or unwinds the deal.

Recently, attention has focused sharply on FIRRMA , The Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act, signed into law on 13 August 2018.

This expanded the scope of CFIUS jurisdiction beyond transactions in which a foreign company takes control of a US business. CFIUS has the power to unwind a deal – so if you’re planning an investment or acquisition in a US company which could be considered impacting US national security, it’s important that you’re well prepared.


The CFIUS Book introduces the Committee, explains its history and the powers it wields, answering questions including l What is CFIUS? l What is FIRRMA? l Why CFIUS matters to you Readers are taken through the process, with helpful, valuable guidance as you l Analyse whether you need to file a CFIUS notice l Gather your information, draft and submit your notice l Receive CFIUS review and response Additional chapters tackle areas such as parallel foreign investment reviews and the expansion of CFIUS interest into privacy and data security.


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